Instructions to Create an Account

  1. Click on Login in the upper right corner of this page

  2. In the popup window, click Create Account

  3. Enter your first name, last name, and your email address

  4. In the Create Password field enter a password you want to use on this website

    Note: The password must be a minimum of 10 characters (no other requirements)

  5. Re-type the password in the Re-type Password field

  6. Click on the Create Account button

  7. A side bar will open telling you to verify your email

  8. Open your email inbox for the email you used to create the account

  9. Open the “Verify your account for Des Moines Woodworkers Association” message

  10. Click on the Verify Your Account button

  11. You are returned to the new website and your account is created

Subscribe to Members-only section

  1. Confirm that you see “Account” in the upper right corner. This means you are already signed in with your account. If you see “Login” you must sign in to your account. If you do not have an account, follow the instructions above to create an account.

  2. If you have the discount code, click on the Subscribe button (below on the right)

  3. If you do not have the discount code, click on the Request Discount Code button (below on the left) and complete the form.

    The current Discount Code will be sent via email to you within 48 hours

  4. Enter the discount code in #2 Payments & Discounts, click Apply (DO NOT ENTER other details.)

  5. The Order Summary appears, confirm the Total is $0.00.

  6. Click the Continue button

  7. Click the Purchase Membership button

  8. The Order Confirmed page will appear, click on the View Product button. Hover your mouse over the Member Site menu option to see list of Members-only content

Members Site Pages Access

The Members Site pages are only available to Des Moines Woodworkers Association, Incorporated (DMWA) members.

If you are a member and have the Discount Code click the SUBSCRIBE button to the right.

Use your Discount Code to gain free access.

If you are a member and do not have the Discount Code, click the button below to REQUEST DISCOUNT CODE.

Click the SUBSCRIBE button below and follow instructions above.

Do not enter payment information without Discount code!

This is FREE to members with Discount Code and without using the code you will be charged $100.00.

Des Moines Woodworkers Association Members-Only access

Des Moines Woodworkers Association Members have exclusive access to the Members Site pages. Members must use a Discount Code for Free access. Do Not enter Payment information as it will be billed. If you do not have the DISCOUNT CODE, go to the bottom of the "Subscribe To Members-Only- pages" under Membership header to request the current code.

✓ First view of Classified Ads posted for club members.
✓ Over 10 years of streaming video of monthly presentations.
✓ Access to current and past club newsletters.
✓ Access to lend items from our extensive library.

Members-Only Discount Code

The Members-Only pages are only available to Des Moines Woodworkers Association, Incorporated (DMWA) members for free with a paid membership.

Members need a Discount Code to subscribe to the pages for free. To get the current Discount Code enter the required information on the form to the right and click the REQUEST DISCOUNT CODE button.

The Discount Code will be sent to members only via email.