2025-02 Show & Tell
Bookcase - My take on Mid-century Modern bookcase. Spalted Hackberry, Spalted Sycamore, and Red Oak
Picture frame and stand - Walnut, Maple and Cherry.
Phone stand - amplifier. Good Christmas gifts.
3D Printer Cabinet - Cherry cabinet and used 3D printed tools during the build.
Stool - White Oak “Shop” stool.
2025-01 Show & Tell
Built for my granddaughter’s 1st birthday this weekend. Plans from WOOD magazine.
Urn for sister-in-law, she loved books so it seemed very fitting.
Low Chest of Drawers built for my son and daughter-in-law. Will serve as changing table for their first born. Made in quarter-sawn white oak. Drawers all hand-cut dovetails, Walnut knobs turned as sized per drawer size.
Scroll sawn turkey. Framed in barn boards.
Three legged chair
Buckminster Fuller Gravity & tension
Family Room Cabinets - Furniture designed to fit function and form in a family room.
Family Room Cabinets - Furniture designed to fit function and form in a family room.
Family Room Cabinets - Furniture designed to fit function and form in a family room.
Family Room Cabinets - Furniture designed to fit function and form in a family room.
2024-12 Show & Tell
Toy Train Cards - All parts fabricated by Randy W. Maple, walnut, cherry and birch wood.
Lidded box - Lidded ring box with display ring.
911 Cross - Rubble traced from actual photos from tower.
Scroll Sawn Baskets - All layers scrolled sawn and stacked in alternate patterns.
Christmas Ornaments - White tree topper with companion ornaments. Bleached Sycamore wood.
Christmas Tree Cluster - Turned with iridescent paint.
OSB Bowl Stacked - Turned from scrap OSB material.
Description goes here time using Cherry wood and Odie’s oil finish.
Queen Anne Candel Stand - Small stand to display a candle of plant. Cherry wood.
Floating Box Shelf and Ice Cream Scoop - Floating shelf in red oak and box joints. Ice cream scoop in Ash (Woodcraft kit).
Jefferson Lap Desk and Parquet veneer box.
Locking Miter - Locking miter joint for making post and beam raps.
Picture Frames from different woods.
Gent saw - Custom 8” Gent saw. Hybrid tooth pattern, apple wood handle with mosail pin.
2024-11 Show & Tell
Chess Board - Walnut and hard maple from my own sawmill. First attempt and I've already started a new/better one.
Splatted walnut with figured maple top
Box - Walnut and Maple
Retired Des Moines parking-meter. Segmented turning covered with truck bed liner.
Scroll saw Pheasants
Christmas Tree Ornaments - Black walnut original pattern. Coping saw then resaw with bandsaw to get two alike
2024-10 Show & Tell
Scrollsaw Lantern - Panels cut as Iowa State Fair demo.
Desk Lamp - All made from materials on-hand and reclaimed.
Bandsaw Box - Black walnut with cherry sapwood accent and interior flocking.
Halloween Ghost - Bradford pear with shellac.
The five-know was an experiment of using spray paint and an acrylic backer.
Viking - Scrollsaw
Drill priss table & cabinet - Table & fence with attached removable cabinet drawers.
Memory Box - Walnut with cherry center.
Chess set - Scrollsaw
Turned vases
2024-09 Show & Tell
Piecrust table in mahogany
Walnut Live Edge side table. Live edge crotch with steel legs. Finished with Briwax
Kitchen Set - Cutting board and utensil cannister in Cherry and Alder
Pet Coffin - Spalted Hackberry and White Oak
Child changing table for 1st chink in Walnut
Log Cabin Box & Box Joint Jig - I mad this jig in one of our classes and used it to make the joints for the box. Box in Walnut and Birds-Eye Maple
Description goes here
Calico Cat - Carved and painted to represent our house cat. Whiskers are fishline.
Shop/Kitchen Stool - Made in club offered class in Walnut and Oak.
Ornaments - I make 1-2 each year for members of family
Bookcase - Made in club class in oak.
Scrollsaw portraits Train thru Forest with frame. Charle Dearing design cut with no 5 Olson blades. Took 35 hours to cut.
A Charles Dearing design cut by no 5 Olson blades. Total of 42.5 hours curring.
2024 July Field Trip
2024-05 Show & Tell
Scroll saw -
Couch Arm Tray
Walnut with dovetailed corner
Supposed to be round table
Iroko & Coffee tree
Curvy Side Table
Salvaged windows
Toddler Tower
Built so my grandson can safely be at counter height to “help” Mom & Dad
A live-edge epoxy dining room table
built out of black walnut salvaged from the Derecho and finished with Minwax clear gloss Polycrylic.A father-mother-daughter-son-in-law project running from July 30, 2023 to April 21, 2024.
Ring Box
2024-04 Show & Tell
Taboret Table
Class woodworking project
Plant Stand
Mantle Clock
Cherry -
Finished with shellac and Wax. -
Pencil Holders -
Side Table Made in Phil H. March class. First try at mortise and tendon. Cherry and Gel topcoat.
Desk - Book Rack
White Oak with ebony pegs
Watched the class build and decided to try. -
Wall - Quilt Holder
Wedding Gift for son and daughter in law. -
Child's Table
My wife has her and her sister's child table and chairs. So, I made a child table for my sister-in-law and her grand children. -
Splay leg table Walnut and Kumiko panel Class project taught by Logan W. First woodworking projects using hand and power tools.
Kumiko panel
Made in Logan W. class -
Cover Bridge
Scroll saw -
Splay leg table
Black Walnut from my family's walnut grove. Used my own sawmill. -
Welcome Plaque created in May CNC presentation.
Made mainly from ash harvested from a tree my dad planted 25 years ago. The grinder stand swings up for use, then down under the top for storage.
2024-03 Show & Tell
2024-02 Show & Tell
2020-01 Show & Tell