When someone mentions a CNC router, the first thing that typically comes to mind is sign-making. But there is so much more. With a CNC router, you can precisely rout, drill, saw, plane, bore holes, tap, engrave, create inlays, and more, with amazing accuracy and repeatability. But what do you need for hardware, software, and skill set to get started with CNC? Club member Shawn Brown provides an overview of how CNC can be used to create, how he got started with it, and a short demo of operating a CNC machine.
Meeting Agenda:
6:45pm - Doors open, both in person and on Zoom.
7:00pm - Welcome!
7:05pm - Introduction of Tonight’s Presenter
7:10pm - Presentation
7:45pm - Q&A
8:05pm - 5 MINUTE BREAK
8:10pm - Show and Tell, with prize drawings for those showing work
8:30pm - Meeting Adjourn